Liturgy of the Hours None
As the light begins to wane, we may find ourselves feeling a little worn out and weary from the events of the day. The 6pm call to prayer is referred to as “none” which means the 9th hour. Maybe you have a to do list that feels unfinished or like your brain function is at max capacity. These are the times when turning to prayer is most needed. We return to the Source. God has all that we could ever need or ask for. He is the one who can sustain when we come to the end of ourselves. Even if you didn’t get through your to do list, there is mercy. Even if you feel like you failed somewhere in your day, there is compassion. The Lord is good and showers you with his love.
Psalm Meditation: Psalm 145:8-9
The Lord is merciful and compassionate,
slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.
The Lord is good to everyone, he showers compassion on all his creation.
Journal Prompt:
As I reflect back on the day, where do I need your mercy?
Help me to remember the good things you showed me today.
Breathe in and pray: Lord help me
Breath out and pray: to know your mercy
Repeat 2-3 times and write your responses in your journal.
Director/Dancer/Producer: Libby John
Music provided by Ben Johnson